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This year we had a new and slightly different DevAcademy approach. During just 1 week all the participants had to create an AI speech-to-text images generator. Also, they were all enrolled in daily social activities that improved working in a team skills. Not to overwhelm them with too much of coding – students could wind their jet brains in the escape room… in the box! This was a fun brain twister.

During the academy, students improved their C#, .NET, Web API [.NET 6], Angular, and got their hands “dirty” with AI.

“Out of the box” sessions

AI and programmer – friends or enemies? by prof. Tomas Krilavičius
Among the many hats that prof. Tomas wears, he is the Dean of the Faculty of Informatics at Vytautas Magnus University whose main research interests are the application of Artificial Intelligence and Language Technologies and large scientific infrastructures.

Prof. Tomas has been presenting to the participants what artificial intelligence can achieve nowadays, what are its perspectives and possible risks. His colleague Milita Songailaitė involved students into the practical part where students could create a mini-game with the help of chatGPT.

Academy mentors & speakers

Prof. Tomas Krilavičius

The Dean of the Faculty of Informatics at Vytautas Magnus University

Jonas Petraška

Giedrė Pranauskytė

Andrius Tolvaišis

Academy memories

What Participants Say?