Xplicity organizes Academy 2017




C# Academy becoming annual event for IT students. It is organized in first two weeks of August for beginners who have theoretical but not yet practical knowledge of writing the code.

Academy becoming annual event for IT students. It is organized in first two weeks of August for beginners who have theoretical but not yet practical knowledge of writing the code. Around 30 % of academy program is built upon social activities: workshops, team building, training. 30% based on practical task and last part dedicated for technical lessons/ modules/ presentations.

For our final exam, we used the same theme as during the academy – students had to upload their computers’ metrics to a shared storage and then display the shared data. The exam required practical application of knowledge acquired during the academy: consuming a Web API endpoint to send and receive data, creating Angular2 frontend to display the data, creating own ASP.NET Core Web application with a repository and exposing it to peers.

Last year 179 people registered and 12 were selected to attend.  After two weeks, intense course 3 people got a job offers from our clients.

At Xplicity we are building a community of like-minded people and seek to involve everyone around to stay connected and grow together.

If you would like to join the event, present your business or share inspiring personal experience contact us at hello@xplicity.com. We can create a space in our program for your talk till July 16th.